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Past Events
November 13, 2017 – Terminations for Convenience: How to Maximize Contractor Recovery; Presented by Paul Seidman at George Washington University School of Business Administration; Washington, DC.
March 30, 2017 Government Contract Teaming – A Subcontractor Perspective Presented by Paul Seidman at NCMA SubCon17 Training Workshops; Dulles, VA.
This presentation offers strategies to negotiate advantageous teaming agreements.
January 28, 2016, Testimony of Jere Glover Before the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, United States Senate regarding Reauthorization of the SBIR/STTR Programs- The Importance of Small Business Innovation to National and Economic Security
October 19, 2011, “Far PT 12 Commercial Item Terminations for Convenience: Is Fair Compensation Required?” Presented at the American Bar Association Section on Public Contract Law Committee on Commercial Items, DLA Piper; Washington, DC
This presentation focuses on FAR Part 12 Commercial Item Terminations for Convenience
June 10, 2009, “Government Contract Teaming – A Subcontractors Perspective” Presented at the National Small Business Association, Small Business Conference; Washington, DC
This presentation focuses on prime contractor and subcontractor Teaming Agreements.
November 5, 2007, “GSA Multiple Award Schedule Compliance, Audits, Investigations” Presented at the Ingram Micro GovEd Alliance Invitational; Austin, TX
This presentation provides a review of compliance issues incident to GSA Multiple Award Schedule contracting. Topics covered include:
- The Price Reduction Clause
- Changes in Commercial Practices
- The Trade Agreement Act
- Beyond-the-Scope Orders
- Other Compliance Issues
- Audits and Investigations
- The Civil and Criminal False Claims Acts
- Suspension and Debarment
- How to Stay Out of Trouble
April 28, 2006, “Contract Bundling: It’s still happening…what can you do?” Government Contracting Institute (GCI) Presented at Federal Contracting 06-07 Conference; Washington, DC
May 12, 2005, “Best Practices: Ten Mistakes to Avoid” Presented at the Small Business Procurement Summit; Washington, DC
October 19, 2004, “Terminations for Convenience: How to Maximize Contractor Recovery”
Paul J. Seidman worldwide presentation as an NCMA audio seminar. The seminar covers:
- “Tricks of the Trade” – Maximizing contractor recovery
- The “fair compensation principle”
- The formula for recovery
- What IDIQ and Service contractors need to know
- Common improper disallowances and how to overcome them
- Recovery for defective and nonconforming work
- How to deal with impractical proof requirements
- Charging normally indirect costs as direct
- Obtaining partial payments.
- Subcontracts
- FAR Part 12 Contracts for Commercial Items and Services
October 2, 2003, “Service Contracting in the New Millennium”
An Educational Seminar for Contractor Executives cosponsored by Seidman & Associates, P.C., the Professional Services Council (“PSC”), NCMA Tysons Corner Chapter (“NCMATCC”) and NCMA Washington DC Chapter.
Speakers: Paul J. Seidman and Robert D. Banfield, principals in Seidman & Associates, P.C., Attorneys at Law; Stan Z. Soloway, President, PSC; Alan L. Chvotkin, Senior Vice President, PSC; Larry Allen, Executive Vice President, Coalition for Government Procurement; and Victor Ramos, Contracts Manager Raytheon.
April 30, 2003, “Terminations for Convenience: How to Maximize Contractor Recovery”
Paul J. Seidman and Robert D. Banfield, a Professional Series Seminar Sponsored by NCMA Tysons Corner Chapter and Seidman & Associates, P.C.
December 3, 2002, “Terms and Conditions in Government Contracts”
Paul J. Seidman, presentation to 2002 Federal Marketplace – IT Opportunities and New Procurement Policy Conference, sponsored by the Computer Technology Industries Association (“compTIA”), the Professional Services Council (“PSC”), OKI and Ingram Micro
April 10, 2002, “Government Contracts: How They Differ From Commercial Contracts and Dispute Resolution”
Paul J. Seidman, presentation to NCMA Tysons Corner Chapter CPCM Candidates
October 23, 2001, “War Time Contracting – Profit Limitations” Presented to the NCMA Tyson’s Corner (VA) Chapter, Monthly Dinner Meeting
In a time of war, the Defense Department may preempt commercial contracts in favor of DoD contracts, and the rules governing government contracts may change as well. Panel discussion by three attorneys: Paul Seidman, David Dempsey and Scott Chaplin.
Attorney Paul Seidman writes articles about government contract issues and often speaks at events for government contractors.
Seidman & Associates government contracts law firm represents businesses worldwide with concerns about contract matters involving U.S. federal government agencies as well as foreign government agencies.